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Need Brand Ambassadors?

The best investment to connecting with your consumers


L.O.P.I. has a following of 3,000+ professionals in the experiential marketing industry who are either a subscriber to our Rockstar Promo website, a follower on our page or a member in our social media groups.  And we also have a network of over 7,000 B.A.s through connections and our referral programs.


What makes L.O.P.I. unique is the fact that all of our staff has worked on both sides of the fence in this industry which gives us an advantage of understanding the prespective of our activation staff members as well as the bsiness side.  This allows us to deliver the best to both worlds.


4 Steps


Submit an Activation Staff Request.


Approve The Gig Posting.


Review The Quote.


Pay The Balance.


STEP 1:  Submit An Activation Staff Request Form

You can either fill out this form yourself or schedule a call with a team member and they help you fill it out.  The information you provide on this form will be used to generate your work order and quote.  Although we strive to get back to you within 2 business days, give us at least 5 business days to get back to you about your request (some seasons are busier than others).


When you submit a request, you should get a confirmation.  If you don't get a confirmation, that means your request didn't go through.  Please submit it again.  If you still don't get a confirmation, reach out to us through our contact us form to let us know so we can get your request submitted.


STEP 2:  Review The Quote

Your request will be assigned to a quote. The quote will be itemized accroding to the phases it takes to book an activation team.  That quote will be sent to the contact information provided in your request form from Step 1.  Once the quote has been approved, you will be required to sign an agreement with L.O.P.I. and pay half the balance of the quote upfront as your deposit.  No work will begin on your request without this deposit being paid in full.


Phase 1:  Recruiting/Posting

Phase 2:  Interview

Phase 3:  Booking

Phase 4:  Final Confirmation From Recruited Staff & Applicable Replacements 

Phase 5:  Payroll & Recaps


STEP 3:  Approve The Gig Posting

You will be sent a gig posting to approve that will be used to recruit the staff members requested.  Since no recruitment efforts can begin without the gig posting being approved, this step will need to be completed 6 weeks prior to the activation date that this request is for to avoid any rush or last-minute fees added to your balance.


STEP 4:  Pay The Balance

The balance will be due once our team has completed the work order assigned to your request.  When the balance has been paid, booking confirmations will be sent to the staff members recruited to fulfill your request and a list of the activation team will be sent to you along with the Activation Staff Agreement.



Activation Staff Request Form

Is this a multi-day activtion for the same event?
Do you want your activation staff to be all locals?
Please select from he list all that you ae offering an/or have to provide:
Please selct your request:

Thanks for your request!

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