Every assignment given to a team is given with the expectation of success. But we all know that every assignment is not created equal. Nonetheless, the work must get done, right? Here are 3 key team members you want to make sure you have assigned to your next major project.
1. A Manager Whose Management Style Is Compatible With The Team

Managers and Supervisors who can switch up their management style to fit the team they lead are the most successful. A manager stuck in their ways can stall the tenacity of a team's motivation to produce quality work for the project they're assigned to. It's important to identify toxic managers especially since team members are not generally asked their opinion of their manager's performance on the job. Make sure your manager has the up-training to remain fluid with their team and that the team is able to trust the leadership of their manager.
2. A Facilitator With Great Interpersonal Communication Skills

This role is usually tucked under the duties of the manager or the team lead, but it's always best to have this responsibility assigned to a different person on the team. This person takes the notes, keeps track of who's doing what, as well as ensures the timeline is being adhered to for each team member. This allows the manager to remain available for problem-solving to plot the next steps for their teams. The facilitator mediates between the team's workload and the manager's direction, therefore, this person needs to be a great communicator. This person must be personable with the team; they are the glue.
3. Team Support That Are Motivated By The Project At Hand

Team members don't always get to select what work lands on their desks. Therefore, it is important to make sure that each team member has a skill that will aid in the success of the project. When team members look forward to working on the next project, it's because there was excitement and quality in the support they received during the last project. Acknowledge when your team is too small to execute a project to keep from overworking your team. Recognizing the resources your team has available to them and understanding the limits of your team is valued amongst team members. Support for the project they can handle leaves a positive experience for each member of the team for better execution.
So What Next?

Re-access your last project. Take note of the types of team members that participated in that project. How was that experience for your team members? Ask them. Converse with your manager to talk over what would have made the project smoother to execute. In that conversation, if any of the following comes up in the conversation, it's time to consider L.O.P.I. for your next project:
1. Your Project Went Over Budget

When a project goes over budget, this is an indicator to take a closer look at the decisions being made during the planning of the project. Were more hours needed to complete the project? Were the expenses realistic for the project? Since you're over budget anyway, did you get what you paid for? Was the vision complete or compromised? Did you end up paying for extra resources you didn't already have? Did your project meet the deadline? There are times when you can't predict everything, but there comes a point in time to consider a bigger budget or to outsource the project so your team can focus on other business. A win-win. L.O.P.I. offers great pricing based on the size of your project, not based on the work needed to be done. This way you're only paying for the end results and not the process.
2. There Wasn't A Clear Policy And Procedure

Your manager may not have had the complete know-how to get the assignment done, so they did the best they could. However, how did their best impact your brand's progress? Your managers are not always a one-stop shop. They do what they know how to do and can't compensate for anything more (and that's o.k.). Really, it's o.k. Expecting your managers and supervisors to be all-knowing isn't a fair expectation, if we're being honest. Some things are outside of their wheelhouse whether it be a lack of experience or skill. Either way it go, your brand has an image to maintain, and in-housing the process isn't always worth it. L.O.P.I. has the ability to curate our teams based on the need of your project. It's important to us that your project has the attention it needs.
3. Lack of Resources

Sometimes there are resources needed to complete a project that the company hasn't justified investing in (and instead you make do with what you have). But how did that work this time? Let's be honest. Lack of resources makes things harder than it should be. Let's take it a step further, lack of resources makes your team feel ignored and unsupported. How do you think that impacts quality of work? Strengthen your team by understanding their limits. L.O.P.I. uses its network to pool resources together. Our teams are able to fill the gap, because we listen to satisfy the need and fulfill the project at hand.
Enjoy peace of mind without the added stress. Everyday well-intended projects fail by brands stretching their teams too thin. Your project needs to get done ... successfully. Let L.O.P.I. give your project the attention it needs. Let's connect!
